Worst. Remix. Ever.

Straight to Presleys/Monroes (sic) with this Hinder remix.


I need to go and wash my ears out…

[via: Idolator]

Technorati Tags: Hinder, remix, mp3, music, horrible

iPorted.co.za – The Independent Mobile Number Portability Survey


Sick of telecoms nonsense?
Don’t believe the subscriber claims made by the cellphone companies?
Bored with the lack of competition in this industry?
Frustrated because nobody is acting?

I am.

You too can help do your bit to leverage against the beauracratic nature of our telecoms industry by filling out The Independent Mobile Number Portability Survey at iPorted.co.za.

The results are published for all to see – it’s completely transparent. What you click is what you get. The more respondents the more accurate the results will be and the more intimidated the big guns will get, so pass the link to your friends and family.

Let’s get some truth about MNP going and force Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, and Virgin Mobile to play on our turf and on our terms.

Technorati Tags: MNP, MobileNumberPortability, Vodacom, MTN, CellC, VirginMobile, SouthAfrica, Telkom, truth, iPorted.co.za, independent, free

SA Blog Awards Venue Announced

For those of you who aren’t tracking Amatomu (both of you), the 2007 SA Blog Awards will be held at Cool Runnings in Fourways.

Details here.
Seems like they’re concerned about who drinks alcohol – I sense a blogger freebie for the attendees…

I will see you there.

Technorati Tags: sablogawards, blog, awards, venue, function

The Intelligentsia Are the Metal Fans… Rock on!

Metal Fans

While I’ve seen examples in my travels that swing both ways, the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth claims that a “disproportionate number of members” list metal as their favourite type of music.

So, like, I’m a metal fan hey… 😉

More details here.

Technorati Tags: music, metal, band, fans, intelligence, gifted

Don’t Cry For Non-Stormhoek Growers. I Won’t.

Stormhoek Logo

iafrica.com reports that a plethora of South African wine farms are up for sale due to dipping exports and stagnant domestic sales. Their profits are withering, the exchange rate sucks, bitch bitch bitch, moan moan moan, woe are them, cry me a river. They expect a 2.8 percent growth in exports this year, assuming our currency depreciates by 10 percent. Phenomenal figures. Positivity exudes.

So there they are, sitting in their villas watching their grapes rot and hoping like hell that our money becomes worth less. Screw that. Screw them and their negativity.

Take Stormhoek, our favourite hacker wine, who are blowing away these figures with a 500% increase in sales in less than two years.

How is this possible, you ask? Well, it’s because they aren’t betting against the value of our currency. They are taking South Africa to the world, and they’re doing it with a smile on their face. They’re engaging their customers in the blogosphere, they’re spreading the love, and they’re sharing a few of their secrets as they go along. This attitude alone will see them rising above the, erm, crop. (Wow! Horrible pun.)

I’d buy a Stormhoek over any other wine purely because it is such a work of love and pride in comparison to the rest.

Technorati Tags: stormhoek, wine, hacker, SouthAfrica, sales, crisis