LOLCat Bible bringz relijis back

It’s an instant classic – a Wiki project to get The Bible translated into kitty pidgin (the language of lolcats):

Here are a few class excerpts:

Mattehw 1:20: “But when he was tihnkin, zomg, angel frm Ceiling Cat was in his dreems! Angel sayed “Hai, don’t be fraided to has Mary for ur wife, cuz her baby be frm Holey Ghosty.”

Mattehw 1:25 “And dey didnt has teh PENIS GOES WHERE? til affer dey gets a son and calleded him Jesus. Ktnx.”

Job 1:21-22 “Teh Ceiling Cat giv me cheezburger, teh Ceiling Cat takded mah cheezburger awai. I stil laiks teh Ceiling Cat. And teh Ceiling Cat sed “I winz!!”

[Via: BoingBoing]

Technorati Tags: lolcat, pidgin, bible, translation, wiki

Download Foto Na Dans – Intervensie – now!

Foto Na Dans - Intervensie Album Cover just posted a quick review of the Joburg FotoNaDans album launch. Having seen this band live (at Oppikoppi) and having great expectations for this band I simply had to get my own copy right away.

But it’s late at night – the stores are closed, what to do? Well, not all stores are closed. A quick browse to led me to their entire album – Intervensie – available for my (and your) downloading pleasure.

Fast. And cheap too. R7 a track. Or if you have the patience to wait for the physical album, you can order it for a straight R100. I couldn’t wait.

So here’s the link to get your own copy: FotoNaDans – Intervensie.

Technorati Tags: FotoNaDans, rock, music, SouthAfricanRockMusic, band, album, download, mp3