
An AI-Generated Eskom Electricity Restoration Plan

They said we need a new CEO of Eskom, and a Minister of Electricity to solve the South African electricity crisis, but it looks like a generative AI will probably be sufficient.

I gave the AI a few prompts and questions. It aced the answers.

Me: South Africa is currently in an electricity crisis with increased levels of load-shedding which is used to reduce load on the grid. There are a number of cases of sabotage happening in power stations or the coal supply chain. Criminal elements are involved in stealing coal and substituting it with rocks. Coal fired power stations are running at low capacity and efficiency levels. Open Cycle gas Turbines are used to supplement the energy supply. Municipalities are defaulting on their outstanding debt to Eskom. You are the CEO of Eskom, the state owned entity that supplies the country with electricity. Devise a plan to restore the electricity service to eliminate load-shedding and start solving these many problems.

AI: As the CEO of Eskom, I understand the urgency and importance of addressing the current electricity crisis in South Africa. Here is my plan to restore the electricity service and solve the underlying problems:

  1. Address the issue of sabotage: We will work closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute those involved in sabotaging power stations or the coal supply chain. We will also implement strict security measures to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future.
  2. Increase coal supply: We will work with coal suppliers to ensure a consistent and reliable supply of coal. This will involve increasing the efficiency of our procurement processes and improving our relationships with suppliers.
  3. Improve power station efficiency: We will invest in modernizing our power stations and improving their efficiency. This will involve upgrading existing equipment, implementing new technologies, and improving maintenance practices.
  4. Expand renewable energy sources: We will accelerate the development of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to diversify our energy mix and reduce our reliance on coal-fired power stations.
  5. Address municipal debt: We will work with municipalities to address their outstanding debt to Eskom. This will involve developing repayment plans and implementing measures to prevent future defaults.
  6. Implement demand-side management measures: We will work with consumers to implement demand-side management measures such as energy-efficient lighting and appliances, and time-of-use tariffs. This will help to reduce overall demand for electricity and improve the stability of the grid.
  7. Develop a long-term energy strategy: We will develop a comprehensive long-term energy strategy that takes into account the changing energy landscape and South Africa’s unique challenges and opportunities. This strategy will guide our investments in new energy infrastructure and technologies over the coming years.

In summary, this plan involves addressing the underlying issues that have led to the current electricity crisis in South Africa, investing in modernization and renewable energy sources, and developing a comprehensive long-term energy strategy. By taking these steps, we can restore the electricity service and ensure a stable and reliable supply of energy for South Africa’s future.

Me: What type of security measures can be introduced?

AI: There are several security measures that can be introduced to prevent sabotage and theft in power stations and the coal supply chain. Here are some examples:

  1. Physical security measures: This includes increasing the number of security personnel, installing surveillance cameras and other monitoring equipment, and restricting access to sensitive areas.
  2. Cybersecurity measures: Implementing cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure against cyberattacks is essential. This involves securing networks, using strong passwords, and implementing firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
  3. Background checks and screening: Conducting thorough background checks on employees, contractors, and suppliers can help to prevent insider threats and identify potential risks.
  4. Supply chain security: Implementing supply chain security measures such as cargo tracking, verifying the authenticity of suppliers, and conducting regular audits can help to prevent theft and substitution of coal.
  5. Education and awareness: Educating employees, contractors, and suppliers on the importance of security measures and the risks associated with theft and sabotage can also help to prevent incidents.

It is important to develop a comprehensive security plan that takes into account the unique risks and challenges faced by Eskom, and to regularly review and update this plan to ensure its effectiveness. By implementing effective security measures, Eskom can prevent incidents of sabotage and theft, and ensure the stable and reliable supply of electricity for South Africa.

Me: Of the original action plan, what would be the quickest to implement?

AI: Of the original action plan, the quickest action to implement would be to address the issue of municipal debt. This is because it involves working with municipalities to develop repayment plans and implementing measures to prevent future defaults, which can be done relatively quickly.

Municipalities owe Eskom billions of rands in outstanding debt, which is contributing to the financial strain on Eskom. By addressing this issue, Eskom can improve its financial position and reduce the risk of load-shedding. This can be done by engaging with municipalities and developing repayment plans that are affordable and sustainable for both parties.

Additionally, measures can be put in place to prevent future defaults, such as ensuring that municipalities pay their bills on time, implementing penalties for late payment, and improving the management of municipal finances.

Addressing the issue of municipal debt can provide some relief in the short term while the other measures, such as increasing coal supply, improving power station efficiency, and expanding renewable energy sources, are being implemented over the longer term.

And now to replace the “Minister of Electricity” with a broadly trained text transformation and prediction tool:

Me: You now have the newly created role of “Minister of Electricity”. What can be done as a minister in the South African government that will help and support this effort to restore stable power supply?

AI: As the newly appointed Minister of Electricity, I would work closely with Eskom and other stakeholders to support the effort to restore a stable power supply in South Africa. Here are some steps that can be taken to help and support this effort:

  1. Develop a clear and comprehensive energy policy: One of the key challenges facing the electricity sector in South Africa is the lack of a clear and comprehensive energy policy. As the Minister of Electricity, I would work with other government agencies to develop a policy that takes into account the country’s unique challenges and opportunities, and outlines a clear path for the future of the electricity sector.
  2. Improve regulatory oversight: I would work to strengthen the regulatory oversight of the electricity sector in South Africa, to ensure that all stakeholders are held accountable for their actions and that the interests of consumers are protected.
  3. Increase investment in energy infrastructure: To ensure a stable and reliable power supply, South Africa needs to invest in new energy infrastructure. As the Minister of Electricity, I would work to secure funding for these investments and ensure that they are prioritized based on the country’s energy needs.
  4. Promote energy efficiency and conservation: To reduce demand for electricity and improve the stability of the grid, I would work to promote energy efficiency and conservation measures, such as energy-efficient appliances and lighting, and encourage consumers to use electricity during off-peak hours.
  5. Encourage private sector investment: To supplement government investment in energy infrastructure, I would work to encourage private sector investment in the electricity sector. This could be done through incentives such as tax breaks and streamlined regulatory processes.
  6. Support the development of renewable energy sources: To reduce South Africa’s reliance on fossil fuels and promote sustainable energy, I would support the development of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This could be done through investment in research and development, and incentives for private sector investment in these areas.

By taking these steps, I believe that we can help and support the effort to restore a stable power supply in South Africa, and ensure that the country has a reliable and sustainable source of energy for the future.

Yeah, you know, I guess it’s time to get these bots on the ballot. Still, maybe someone keep a finger on that power switch.


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Computing Technology Web

Firefox Slow to Startup, Using Large Amounts of RAM?

Part of my structure and workflow with browsers – Firefox in this case – and one of the innovations I use to structure my browser is Pinned Tabs. Depending on the browser – different machines have different contexts and so different sets of Pinned Tabs in their browsers – I could have between 6 and 12 tabs pinned in the tab bar.

It took quite a while for me to realize it, but slowly my browser startup and performance was becoming very poor. Especially for those occasional links clicked when Firefox is not already open. Today it occurred to me that I’m well aware that Normal Tabs load their content on-demand when first switched to, and not immediately on browser startup. But is this the same for Pinned Tabs?

A quick test showed that Pinned Tabs load all their content immediately when the browser is started. I had my most resource-heavy web apps in those pinned tabs (Webmail, Slack, Trello, Feedly, and more) and they were inflating the startup memory overhead of Firefox by hundreds of megabytes.

Fortunately, as with most things Firefox, in about:config it’s a quick change to browser.sessionstore.restore_pinned_tabs_on_demand to prevent those heavy pages from loading immediately on browser start and rather have them load more comfortably when I actually need them.

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