Suggested Reading

Rather make that title “Mandatory Reading”.


An oldie but goodie:
‘You’ve got to find what you love,’ Steve Jobs says.

Here’s a newer spin on the same theme, How To Do What You Love, from Paul Graham.

Ideas for Startups (once again from Paul Graham).

And moving into the sci-fi arena,
i, robot. By Cory Doctorow.

Best quote from the above texts:
“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

Tags: ToRead, reading, PaulGraham, CoryDoctorow, SteveJobs, work, love

Another Successful Building Day

I’m pleased as punch to say that Wednesday was a great building day. I can’t say too much because there isn’t much to show, but hopefully in time I’ll be able to relate a few stories and show off a thing or too. Let’s just say that getting to know AJAX is rocking for me – I’m thoroughly enjoying the process.

I’m really impressed with myself – the “Wednesday is Building Day” lifehack for Getting Things Done is working – its keeping me positive, upbeat and motivated despite a number of setbacks over the past few months.

Tags: Wednesday, building, AJAX, javascript, lifehack, GTD, motivation

Overheard in the Office

From Overheard in the Office:

11AM Strategy Meeting

Project Manager: He needs to step into my office. The office of my fist. If he messes with my developer one more time, I’m gonna drop him like a bad habit. And by “drop” I mean “drop kick”. And by “bad habit” I mean “communist hobo”.

ROFLMAO. Great stuff!

Tags: overheardintheoffice, meeting,

Extreme Blue Monday

If you’re feeling down, sad, depressed, lonely, bored, angry or unhappy, don’t worry – according to Brit Cliff Arnall, a health psychologist at the University of Cardiff, mathematics states that Monday, January 23 will be the unhappiest day of the year.

Screw that! Here’s a few smiles just to prove Mr Arnall wrong.
🙂 🙂 🙂

Technorati Tags: unhappy, smile, psychology, health, day, year


I, for one, welcome our new genius monkey technique optimal banana peeling overlords.

Bunch of bananas

How could so many have been so wrong?

Technorati Tags: banana, peel, boingboing, monkey, genius