Bygone Cape Town ,South Africa, a set by Etiennedup on Flickr.
Click the link to check out an amazing set of photos of Cape Town from the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. It truly does look like an amazing place to live.
Bygone Cape Town ,South Africa, a set by Etiennedup on Flickr.
Click the link to check out an amazing set of photos of Cape Town from the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. It truly does look like an amazing place to live.
I found myself unable to activate the crontab for non-root users on the new Exadata server that was recently installed.
$ crontab -e
You (oracle) are not allowed to use this program (crontab)
See crontab(1) for more information
I checked the usual suspects /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny and they were all configured correctly. I spent a further half hour or so messing around with /etc/security/access and pam_access in cron.
Had Oracle simply disabled cron entirely on their Exadata machine? That would be unusual but not entirely unfeasable. Oracle often do stupid shit like that.
A search through the Oracle knowledgebase eventually turned up a solution as to why users could not use crontab:
The stickysetuid bit was not set on /usr/bin/crontab
, so no non-root user could execute the command.
A quick chmod +s /usr/bin/crontab
sorted it all out.
While you may be aware of Barack Obama feigning interest in mundane things, deep down you always knew there was more to it than what meets the eye. Click the photo above to visit the photographic series of Barack Obama looking at awesome things.
Die Antwoord – Zef Side
If you’ve been hiding under a rock, or at the bad end of a TelkomADSL line, heads up because musical genius trio “Die Antwoord” has just exploded all up in the interwebs. And by explode I mean EXPLODE!!!!
Yes, according to site logs they’ve been pushing up to 280 Gigabytes of traffic from their site in a single day. (Yes I host the site, which is how I know).
Check their website here: Die Antwoord, and sommer Youtube a bit for their other videos.
Coke Fest is back. No, not the white powder up nose kind, the big red sugar water company kind.
Here’s the link to the details.
A seriously nice line up this time – Big Concerts are starting to figure this whole “big concert” thing out…
Chris Cornell
Kaiser Chiefs
Good Charlotte
The R600 burn in the back pocket for a golden circle is a bit nasty, but assuming none of the above bands bail, it is well worth it…
Tags: cokefest, mycokefest, korn, muse, chriscornell, kaiserchiefs, goodcharlotte, music, rock, concert, bigconcerts