Computing Rants

The Internet will forever suck in South Africa

Internet Bandwidth by World Region

It appears to me that there is no incentive to host any online content in South Africa. Hell, there’s no point hosting anything internet related in the whole of Africa. We’ve lost. We’ve become part of the third world on the Interwebs. The dark continent remains dark in the digital age. Thanks Ivy. Thanks Telkom.

In contrast, tomorrow a 1Gbps (that’s gigabit-per-second!!!) internet service arrives in Japan. for $56 a month (i.e. less than R560/month).

Yes. Let me repeat that. Tomorrow a 1Gbps internet service arrives in Japan. Do you know how fast that is? That’s faster than most corporate LANs! That’s faster than hundreds of business internet connections. South Africa currently has a Total National bandwidth of around 400Gbps. Give or take a few gigs.

Very soon 400 households in Japan will have more internet influence than the whole of South Africa.

Our entire country could be denial-of-serviced off the interwebs by a handful of people in Japan.

Amazon Web Services, here we come. With the pricing structures Amazon (or their competitors) offer, there is absolutely no reason to commission another Internet server in the whole of Africa, ever again.

Yes, of course it’s fucking tragic.

Entertainment TV

A Heroes Welcome [While Networks Fall]

"Heroes" TV Series Logo

The much anticipated screening of the first two episodes of the Season 3 of NBC’s Heroes takes place tonight. There is not a single person I’ve spoken to who has watched this show who does not absolutely love it, which makes me confident in sticking my neck out to say that these two episodes are about to become the new most downloaded content on the Internet, ever.

It’s a tragedy that the content producers haven’t figured out a fair way to distribute their content online and earn some income for such a brilliant show, but they dug the hole themselves so they just have to figure it out or die. Tomorrow morning, when the stats inevitably get passed around, there are bound to be some TV networks scratching their heads, drawing up new budgets and wiping tears from their eyes.

As far as the program itself goes, the way the previous season was abruptly cut off, mostly due to the writer’s strike, left many viewers confused and lost, so it will be interesting to see where the story travels from here.
I can’t wait.

Entertainment Humor

Slinky Post It Awesomeness [Misuse of Office Supplies Dept.]

In the spirit of the explosive Diet Coke and Mentos experiments, and bringing reminders of Sony Bravia’s “Colour like no other” campaign, we now have an awesome “Post-It note” internet marketing viral from the incredible team at, sponsored by OfficeMax – the evil genius’s who also brought us “Elf Yourself“. Is there a pattern developing here?

EepyBird’s Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.

[Via: Gizmodo]

Entertainment Humor

Do Not Date Him

A brand new militant-female-name-and-shame site came to my attention this morning. DoNotDateHim offers women the opportunity to socially network around bad guys. If ever there was a communal rallying point for women, oh dear, they’ve found it. Man-bashing social networks, for the win. It’s a pretty smart concept, and will hopefully help many jerks reform their ways, but obviously there is also grand potential for abuse by vindictive users.

So how about a DoNotDateHim Facebook widget then girls?


Award winning Slideshow: Crisis in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe in Crisis

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: refugee hyperinflation)

This is an excellent slideshow on the crisis in Zimbabwe.