The Trouble With Being A Man

Third World Ant posted a stirring blog entry entitled

“The trouble with being a woman”

Wow! Such stunning use of contrast, thought and word. Really cool. Go read it now. Then come back to this.

It inspired me to write my own version, from a (my) male perspective.
I think it works best if you read both posts side by side.
(It also makes mine seem a bit better!! Doing so helps improve the quality of my piece.)

The trouble with being a man

I want to be your knight in shining armour
But I want to be the bastard jester with my friends

I want to lift you up to lofty heights
But want not your view from above to make me seem unworthy

I want to leave work early that I may welcome you home
But I don’t want to make the time for an invaluable call or sms

I want to be the smothered focus of your every attention
But I want my own time and space

I want you to know I love you without fail
But sometimes I want to hate, ‘cos love’s what hurts the most

I need you
But I should want you more


5 replies on “The Trouble With Being A Man”

It’s true: imitation is the greatest compliment! (not so sure about the “It also makes mine seem a bit better!!” comment though!)

It seems that we almost want the same things, but women and men end up compromising what they want on the different contrasting things… hmmm… food for further thought! (and probably many more blog posts to come!)

Shaun and Ant, I’m cutting and pasting both your notions on Men and Women and sending them to everyone I know.

How can God make two completely incompatible human beings and expect them to get along??
The mind fucking boggles.

well done shaun. the idea of of a male retort to the Ant was at top of mind when I read her post, just couldn’t string the right words together. Your effort does the job marvelously. and Peas…imagine how mundane it’d all be if we did get along! A google search for ‘men/women/oil/water’ yielded this gem.

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