If you’re looking for MFC’s Contact Details, click here. (And good luck!!)
- Image via Wikipedia
So here’s a letter which I sent on Friday to all the email addresses I could find at MFC (motor finance corporation) following their ghastly service.
Email addresses included:
epienaar@mfc.co.za (address no longer exists),
Jaco Kruger – jkruger@mfc.co.za (read at 2007/06/25 08:19:34 AM )(he got a fax too!!!), Linda Thompson – lthompson@mfc.co.za (who read at 2007/06/25 09:20:44 AM and responded by palming me off to Louis Masilo, who hasn’t responded),
care@mfc.co.za (hehe, now that’s a joke),
Steven Khoza – SKhoza@mfc.co.za (read at 06/25/2007 08:21:52 AM),
Pat Singh – PSingh@mfc.co.za (read at 2007/06/26 10:04:42 AM),
and PDuBruyn@mfc.co.za (address no longer exists).
Oh well, at least now its on the internet for all to see… I have to be off – in search of a new finance house for my vehicle.
Dear Sir,
On Wednesday of this week I supplied the necessary detail as part of a request for a border letter to take my vehicle, Citroen C4 SKC002GP, into Botswana this weekend. This was well within the requirements stated of submitting the request 48 hours prior to departure. Having received no response I contacted the call centre today (Friday) as I am due for imminent departure, as was clearly stated on my request.
I was assured this morning that everything was fine and that I would receive the letter via fax early this afternoon. I proceeded to phone again at least 5 times at around 2pm, 3pm and 4pm to ensure that I would still receive it. Each time I was greeted by helpful call centre assistants, each time giving out my ID number and each time I was assured the letter was on its way. At one stage I even had two call-centre assistants on the line simultaneously. I also spoke to Mr Jaco Kruger a number of times who also assured me the letter was forthcoming. Upon calling at 4:40pm the call centre was closed and I received an abrupt message detailing MFCs office hours.
I am now in a position where I am unable to take my vehicle across the border to my destination. It is also Friday evening which leaves little option for making other arrangements. Any arrangement I do make is going to become an extra expense which I will then have to bear. As you should understand, I am rather irate. Fuming, in fact. I’m also highly distressed and am questioning my choice of MFC as a finance house. This
is also reflecting very poorly on potential future dealings with the Imperial Bank group as well as Nedbank Group.
Needless to say I will be investigating a transfer of my business to another financial institution upon my return to work on Tuesday.
Thank you for your time. I now need to go make other arrangements for my early morning departure tomorrow. On the off chance that you receive this mail on Friday evening, a prompt reaction to rectify this state would be most welcome.
Should you wish to discuss this incident, please feel free to contact me.
Shaun Dewberry
Tags: MotorFinanceCorporation, mfc, mfc, finance, vehicle, service, customerservice, imperialbank, nedbank, bad
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