AAA School of Advertising (the name must be a legacy yellow-pages hack) and Springleap just sent me details of a competition for aspiring designers and marketers at high schools across the country. Design a T-Shirt, market it to get votes, most votes wins. The prize: a 3 year bursary to learn everything the AAA School of Ads can teach you, which is hopefully a hell of a lot. That’s a damn good prize, kids.
I’ll let the, uhm, video, explain a bit more. You may want to turn your speakers down a bit – clearly the caffeine has been flowing thick and fast at Springleap HQ… 🙂
More details can be found here: Teen T-shirt competition.
So once you’ve got a design, then what? Here’s a few ideas once voting starts:
- SMS/MMS your buddies about the design/competition.
- Facebook your friends – work it – start a group for your t-shirt design – pimp your facebook status out to the mercy of your friends’ votes.
- Mxit up and start the discussion on the design.
- I hate to say it, but get your school involved – the lower classes can’t enter the competition, but a vote is a vote…
- Go old school – contact your local newspaper and let them know – you’d be surprised at the results.
- Stand on a street corner and sell your body for votes.
I think you get the idea.
Oh, and there’s something there about Drug Education too. Yes, teenagers, you should always know the difference, between kat, tik, and cocaine. 😉