- Image via Wikipedia
Friday 20th February 2009 is D-Day for those South African soccer fans who want to attend a match in the 2010 Soccer World Cup. They’ll either have to be willing to fork out huge chunks of cash for a prime spot, or buy up all the cheap seats going for at least R140. (One wonders if South African flag coloured binoculars will be complimentary with the purchase?)
From mg.co.za:
“In order to facilitate the access of ordinary South African football fans to a tournament that might otherwise be beyond their reach, Fifa has blocked off about 16% of the tickets — all the cheapest category four tickets — for South African residents.”
If FIFA truly wanted to be charitable towards South Africa, they’d give a cross section of all ticket categories at reduced prices.
“Tickets for the tournament go on sale to the general public on Friday on Fifa’s website, fifa.com, and through nationwide branches of South Africa’s First National Bank (FNB), a national World Cup sponsor.
- Image by Getty Images via Daylife
This sale starts online at 1pm (11am GMT) and runs until March 31.”
Yes, because Internet penetration in this country sucks so bad and the crime is so bad that we have to sell tickets at the bank or nobody will be able to buy them?!!? Either way, you still have to wait a further month after parting with your money to see if you win the lucky draw to get your ticket(s).
Either way, I predict thousands of these tickets are going to end up in foreign hands, at a premium of course. The opportunity to make a quick buck is way too high. This is South Africa, the land of corruption, after all.
So sports fans, best you go find yourself a long queue on Friday. Or, like me, you can just kick back and watch the games in High Definition on TV.
Related articles:
- FIFA insure World Cup for postponement or relocation (eufootball.biz)
- Thomas Cook selected as 2010 World Cup tour operator (eufootball.biz)
- South Africa Gearing Up for World Cup…Maybe. (gadling.com)
One reply on “World Cup 2010 – Let the Ticket Scalping Begin!”
so if u happen to come across 2 finals tickets wud u scalp em or wud u attend?