
Virgin Festival Cancelled

Virgin Festival
Virgin Festival

Yes, in keeping with tradition of cancelled acts (Guns ‘n Roses/Nickelback), poor organisation (Coke Fest) and downright disappointment for South African music fans, Virgin Festival has been cancelled. why am I not surprised. Not that I really wanted to see Maroon 5 and Snoop Dogg sharing a lineup – that, imho, is just lame and shows a complete lack of understanding of the audience – Snoop Dogg fans, Maroon 5 fans and Sugababes fans tend to not overlap so much… how could they miss that?

But don’t worry Virgin, we’ll definitely buy tickets when you schedule the next one just so you can continue to fuck us around. Way to go to keep a loyal audience!

Oh, and 5fm, you’re probably not innocent in this one either. Why is it that *every* concert 5fm touches turns to shit?

[If you have tickets, go get a refund now, cos you never know if the concert will happen again – don’t believe computicket BS – computicket still owe me money for Nickelback, but of course, there’s no record, cos I hadn’t collected the tickets, only paid for them.]

[Hello, uhm, Virgin – Maybe you should update with an apology??]


If The World Could Vote

U.S. Election coverage BEGIN:

2008 US Presidential Candidates
2008 US Presidential Candidates

If the world could vote.

Enough said.

U.S. Election coverage END.

Entertainment Music TV

A Musical Interlude: MTV online.

Fatboy Slim |MTV Music

We interrupt regular programming to bring you Fatboy Slim’s – Weapon of Choice music video.

Posted here because a) It’s brilliant work, and b) to let you know that MTV is now offering a whole stack of their music videos online, free. Throw away your television. Enjoy the revolution.

Asides Gets It Right

On Thursday I decided to eventually bite the bullet and beat the rand/dollar threat by just ordering the camera lens I’ve been looking at for a long time – the Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D. So there were a couple options –, were the first two that came to mind. Unfortunately these guys don’t carry stock, so the price was tagged to the rand dollar of the day, unlike the *real* business, SAcamera, who carry stock and can fulfill orders fast, and change their prices based cost of their orders and a markup, not on the cost of a dollar that day.

What’s more, I ordered the lens on Thursday, paying via credit card. On *Friday afternoon* at 16:28, a few minutes before I was chasing my first beer of the weekend, I received an sms updating me that the order had just been shipped. I thought all Capetonians would be on the beach by that time! I was also able to track the shipment as it passed the various waypoints of delivery. Monday morning the lens was at the office before I was.

Even better, my order is probably for one of the cheapest lenses they carry, but I felt like I’d spent a million bucks with the way the transaction went down.

Nice work, SAcamera! You’ve won a new dedicated customer.

Entertainment Humor

Heroes’ Hayden Endorses McCain [Rigged Elections Dept]

See more Hayden Panettiere videos at Funny or Die

“Let’s vote for McCain, and stay the course.”

Worth watching simply to see the hottest girl on TV drop that f-bomb. Go Ms. Panettiere!

[via: jwz]