
Lingerie Beer Cans

It’s the next evolutionary step in the female of the species slowly dominating our world. Then again, as a supposedly superior bunch, you’d think women would realise men actually need little extra incentive to buy and drink beer.


Entertainment Humor politics

Google Julius Malema

I wonder if Julius knows what an interwebs is… cos the interwebs sure knows who he is:

Entertainment Humor politics TV

SABC3 News Exclusive: Castro Born 6 years after attending University!!

Pay your TV licence. It’s the right thing to do. How else are the SABC going to afford to pay someone to do a really bad proof-read?

Strange how everything the SA government touches turns into poo…

Entertainment Humor Music Uncategorized

Die Antwoord – Zef Side Video

Die Antwoord – Zef Side

If you’ve been hiding under a rock, or at the bad end of a TelkomADSL line, heads up because musical genius trio “Die Antwoord” has just exploded all up in the interwebs. And by explode I mean EXPLODE!!!!

Yes, according to site logs they’ve been pushing up to 280 Gigabytes of traffic from their site in a single day. (Yes I host the site, which is how I know).

Check their website here: Die Antwoord, and sommer Youtube a bit for their other videos.

Hacking Humor Technology

Gauteng Department of Local Government Site Hacked

News of the day is that the script kiddies have gotten hold of the admin passwords for Gauteng’s Department of Local Government content management system and decided to add some Arabic flavour.  A message “Hacked by CeCeN Hack Team” now greets visitors to the previously unknown site. The message extends further with:

“Allahu Ekber! denmark israel asshole Americas – 45 thousand people will give account – Hooray Chechnya”.

I like the background music though – that was a nice touch! Visit the site here or a screengrab here if it gets switched off.

Elaborate hoax
Industry experts, however, are calling the hack “an elaborate hoax”. Some claim the “hack” is simply a carefully crafted “viral marketing campaign” to try and get the website its first visitor. South Africa, they say, with a mere 400 000 broadband subscribers, simply has not had the internet penetration that would see people visiting a bland local government website instead of getting their usual facebook fix, and so a drastic approach was developed to pump up the traffic to the government site.

Only time will tell if the approach works, or if the site will simply return to its previous anonymity.