Entertainment Sports TV

World Cup 2010 – Let the Ticket Scalping Begin!

Image via Wikipedia

Friday 20th February 2009 is D-Day for those South African soccer fans who want to attend a match in the 2010 Soccer World Cup. They’ll either have to be willing to fork out huge chunks of cash for a prime spot, or buy up all the cheap seats going for at least R140.  (One wonders if South African flag coloured binoculars will be complimentary with the purchase?)


“In order to facilitate the access of ordinary South African football fans to a tournament that might otherwise be beyond their reach, Fifa has blocked off about 16% of the tickets — all the cheapest category four tickets — for South African residents.”

If FIFA truly wanted to be charitable towards South Africa, they’d give a cross section of all ticket categories at reduced prices.

“Tickets for the tournament go on sale to the general public on Friday on Fifa’s website,, and through nationwide branches of South Africa’s First National Bank (FNB), a national World Cup sponsor.

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

This sale starts online at 1pm (11am GMT) and runs until March 31.”

Yes, because Internet penetration in this country sucks so bad and the crime is so bad that we have to sell tickets at the bank or nobody will be able to buy them?!!? Either way, you still have to wait a further month after parting with your money to see if you win the lucky draw to get your ticket(s).

Either way, I predict thousands of these tickets are going to end up in foreign hands, at a premium of course. The opportunity to make a quick buck is way too high. This is South Africa, the land of corruption, after all.

So sports fans, best you go find yourself a long queue on Friday. Or, like me, you can just kick back and watch the games in High Definition on TV.

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Entertainment TV

Jim Carrey as CSI’s Horatio Caine

Watch this fantastic clip where Jim Carrey, arguably one of the best actors of our time, gives his take on the trademark Horatio/Caruso one-liner.

And here’s a link to a clip with dozens of Horatio’s CSI one-liners.

Computing Entertainment Security

Handy list of Facebook Privacy Settings recently published a handy list of 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know.

Included in the list are instructions for creating custom friend lists, removing yourself from search results, preventing tagged photos of you from being visible to all, and restricting access to stories and contact information. It’s a very handy guide with some seriously good tips on how to protect yourself in the big bad world of friendface. 🙂

Entertainment Hacking

TED Talks – Elizabeth Gilbert on Coping with Genius

In this video, Elizabeth Gilbert delivers one of the best TED talks I’ve seen. With unexpected style, humour and confidence she discusses the creative barriers she is experiencing in her life as a writer, and pitches an excellent suggestion on how to cope with your creative genius. Nice.

And while we’re on the subject, here’s an old but excellent TED talk by Ze Frank. (Another creative genius)

Technorati Tags: Elizabeth Gilbert, genius, creativity, TED, inspiration

Entertainment Movies

Liveblogging The Terminator

So what better way to re-watch an old classic than to Liveblog it.


Here’s “The Terminator” :

00:00:05 What? This isn’t Star Wars?

00:01:03 Oh no, Johnny Five? Are you lost again?

00:03:57 There can be only one Highlander…

00:05:37 Couple cans short of a sixpack… Not Arnie! Plenty sixpack there.

00:06:25 What happened to “There can be only one????”

00:08:00 Really bad synthesizer muzak!!!

00:08:58 Crawling in my skiiiin!!

00:09:32 Product placement Nike. C’mon already…

00:10:15 That’s not MacGyver?!!

00:11:18 OMG!! Sarah Connor DOES NOT RIDE A SCOOTER!!!

00:12:00 Robot dress sense fail

00:13:00 Yeah, in a hundred years who’s gonna care?

00:14:40 Was that Richard Stallman?

00:15:40 Assassination fail

00:18:00 Johnny Five looks pissed off.

00:19:00 Skynet’s laser targeting and shooting algorithm sucks.

00:22:00 Token big-hair scene

00:25:00 Talking to a machine – there’s a pattern about to play out here.

00:28:54 Not the iPod. Definitely not.

00:30:55 Machines need love too? Maybe not this one…

00:34:25 He took four shots from the sawn-off – this Arnie guy is not human!!??

00:35:10 “Come with me if you wanna live…” until you die of time-travel cancer anyway.

00:35:45 Terminator HUD – POKE RAMCARD SLOT – Now is not the time for Facebook games Termie!

00:36:08 A fucking Terminator on the hood of the car. Fuuuuuck.

00:38:15 Terminator plays Jeff Dunham with his voice. Dot Com.

00:40:00 Reese’s guide to Terminatorers. From the futurerers.

00:46:12 Damn, Reese, you got made, fool.

00:50:43 Arnie takes a cue from Luke Skywalker’s cyborg hand.

00:53:03 Is my eyes red? Arnie actually looks plastic!

00:55:10 “He’ll reach down her throat and tear her fuckin’ heart out!” That’s not nice.

00:57:11 “I’ll be back”. You bet he’ll be back!

01:00:00 More bad synthesizer muzak.

01:02:23 Reese, Kyle Reese. Definitely not James Bond.

01:03:46 “I’d die for John Connor”.

01:08:12 Was that a Trellidoor in the future? They sure do make those things strong.

01:09:00 Future Sarah Connor porn photo sucks

01:11:25 “Fuck you asshole!” Sounds like Microsoft Text-to-Speech!

01:13:50 More Jeff Dunhamming of Sarah’s Mom this time.

01:14:38 A Terminator on a bike, wow these guys can do anything!

01:16:25 I sense a sex scene soon

01:16:45 Kyle Reese has never ever done the dirty???!?!!?! Say what??!?!!?

01:17:53 Kyle loves John’s mom. John’s mom has got it going on.

01:18:35 Technically, somehow, this sort of cross-time molestation has got to be illegal.

01:19:08 Linda Hamilton Boobs! KIAAAAA!

01:20:15 Hahaha Termie, they heard the dodgy danger-danger synthesizer music before you could get to them.

01:22:12 Reese gets shot – this is going to end in tears…

01:24:03 Terminator Elvis impression – truck driving!

01:25:38 Burn motherfucker, burn.

01:27:15 Oh shit! It’s not The Terminator, its the freakin Energizer bunny.

01:28:07 Gotta see someone about that limp, metalhead.

01:29:13 “On your feet, soldier!” Sarah’s hardcore kickass attitude is born.

01:30:51 Asimo can climb stairs!

01:31:42 Pipe bomb in the rectum and we’re having cyborg showers!

01:32:53 Pappa Bear is gone.

01:33:00 But not Skeletor’s chrome cousin. Persistent bastard.

01:34:55 “You’re terminated, fucker”. Off to the tin-can recycling plant for you.

01:36:00 What’s that boom microphone reflected in the ambulance window for?

01:37:03 “Gasoline por favor.”

01:38:21 Oh, so that’s where Reese’s photo of Sarah was taken! Cute!

01:39:00 It’s over. Doesn’t exactly scream for a sequel I guess.