Awesome parody satire site relates Mbeki’s comments on Mugabe:
“That’s why I sold every last shred of moral high ground the ANC had after 1994 to keep him out of the International Criminal Court in The Hague,” said Mbeki.
“Now I realise I was just like Amy Winehouse and he was like Blake. They wanted to make him go to rehab in The Hague, but I said no, no, no.
I’m always pretty amazed that in this day and age you can actually create anything new under the sun. It feels like its all been done. Well, it feels like it has all been done in certain fields. Take music, for instance. How the hell does anyone manage to come up with anything original without treading on the toes of another artists work? The permutations of a piece of music are not endless (which is probably why commercial radio is dying from bad eighties pop covers).
Well it seems Coldplay have deliberately or inadvertently made a beeeg mistake with Viva La Vida. They are being sued by American guitarist Joe Satriani, who is claiming a pinched riff or three.
Congratulations major labels… You’ve marginalized yourselves! Wanting everybody to pay for music, suddenly few are. And all the money is on the road. And why should an act give you a share of its road money, you’re not agents, you don’t know how to do it, you only want to skim the cream from the top. Or try to get the act on terrestrial radio and television, neither of which move tonnage like the old days.
Gewoonlik blog ek nie in Afrikaans nie, maar ek ken mos die taal, and het al baie vriende wat Afrikaans praat. Dis net hoe dit is, bra. Hierdie boek is deur twee van daai zeffer vriende geskryf (Griffin en Chopper Charlie van, en dis eintlik poes snaaks (die dele wat ek so ver gesien het). Ja mense, ek kan Afrikaans praat en skryf maar ek weet nie waar die klein fokken ‘e’ met ‘n kappie of a strepie op die sleutelbord is nie. Fokken jammer. Daai karakters is ook mos tos.
Yes, in keeping with tradition of cancelled acts (Guns ‘n Roses/Nickelback), poor organisation (Coke Fest) and downright disappointment for South African music fans, Virgin Festival has been cancelled. why am I not surprised. Not that I really wanted to see Maroon 5 and Snoop Dogg sharing a lineup – that, imho, is just lame and shows a complete lack of understanding of the audience – Snoop Dogg fans, Maroon 5 fans and Sugababes fans tend to not overlap so much… how could they miss that?
But don’t worry Virgin, we’ll definitely buy tickets when you schedule the next one just so you can continue to fuck us around. Way to go to keep a loyal audience!
Oh, and 5fm, you’re probably not innocent in this one either. Why is it that *every* concert 5fm touches turns to shit?
[If you have tickets, go get a refund now, cos you never know if the concert will happen again – don’t believe computicket BS – computicket still owe me money for Nickelback, but of course, there’s no record, cos I hadn’t collected the tickets, only paid for them.]
[Hello, uhm, Virgin – Maybe you should update with an apology??]